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Fighting mosquitoes: It’s us versus them!


Try to keep your local mosquito population under control by making it more difficult for the insects to breed. Empty any containers of standing water: tires, empty flowerpots,  birdbaths, gutters, and drainage pipes.

Biting mosquitoes are most active at dusk, so that’s the most important time to be vigilant with your prevention techniques. Light colored clothing is less attractive to mosquitoes.

Use a good mosquito repellent. The best-studied and most commonly available active ingredient is DEET. This chemical has been used for decades as an insect repellant and is very safe. Two other agents that are effective insect repellants are picaridin and oil of lemon eucalyptus. Other products, including a variety of botanical ingredients, work for only a very short duration, or not at all.

Consider yard sprays or traps to reduce the local mosquito population.


After any mosquito bite, give an oral antihistamine like Zyrtec or Claritin. Typical doses are listed below. For kids who get bitten a lot, it is best to give an oral antihistamine daily, before the bites.

Apply a topical steroid, like OTC hydrocortisone 1%, twice a day. If bites are severe we may need to see your child, to consider prescribing a stronger topical steroid like triamcinolone or desonide. Do not use strong prescription steroids near the eyes.

Come see us if you are worried or there are signs of infection: pain or worsening swelling/redness/warmth that continues to get worse even 24 hours after the bite.

Antihistamine doses (these are dosed ONCE A DAY):

  Age 2-6 Age 6 and up
Claritin 1 tsp 2 tsp or

1 adult pill

Zyrtec 1 tsp 2 tsp or

1 adult pill

More about mosquito bite prevention and treatment, and why some kids get bitten more than others