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Hepatitis A outbreak in Georgia

Public health officials from The Georgia Department of Health are warning about a large increase in Hepatitis A infections in Georgia. Hep A is a highly contagious illness usually transmitted by contaminated food or water. Vaccination is very effective.

It’s recommended that children routinely receive two doses of Hep A vaccine, starting at the first birthday (a second dose is given 6-12 months later.) Georgia schools require this vaccine for all children born in 2006 or later.

We administer Hep A along with other recommended vaccines at routine well visits. If your children are up-to-date with well visits and vaccines at our practice, they should already be protected against Hep A. If you’re not sure if your child is protected, send us a portal message to check. We can get your child caught up at their next well visit, or you can come in for a nurse-only visit for the Hep A vaccine. We also encourage the parents of our patients to speak with their own doctors about getting a Hep A vaccine.