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Cancer prevention vaccine: New, simplified schedule

The HPV9 vaccine (brand name Gardasil), is a great, safe way to help prevent many serious kinds of cancer in your children. We’ve been using this vaccine since 2006, and it’s been shown both in huge clinical studies and in practical experience to effectively prevent the HPV infections that cause many cancers. It’s also very safe.

The CDC has just announced a change to simplify the schedule for receiving this vaccine. Vaccinating early, before age 15, helps build antibodies more effectively than giving the vaccine later. The new schedule calls for only 2 doses of vaccine, separated by 6-12 months, starting at age 11 or 12 years. So your child can get 2 doses across 2 yearly checkups to get great protection, without extra visits to our office.

For teens who start the vaccine on or after their 15th birthday, 3 doses are still recommended to get good protection, given over 6 months.

We’ll be encouraging your children, starting at age 11, to get this important vaccine! More about the CDC’s decision to change the schedule, here.