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Measles has made a comeback—Protect your family!

Communities all over the United States and overseas are seeing a resurgence of measles, a serious infectious illness with high rates of serious complications. When your child comes in for a well-check, we will ensure that their vaccinations for measles and other diseases are up-to-date.

Because of this outbreak, there are now special recommendations for travel. Usually, the first dose of MMR (measles vaccine) is given at 15 months of age. However, if you will be traveling overseas with your baby, the first dose can be given as early as six months to provide protection. This is especially important because young babies have the highest rates of complications from measles, including encephalitis, pneumonia, and death. Measles is very,very contagious. Make sure your family is protected, especially before traveling.

As with other routine vaccines, we offer MMR immunizations to parents of children in our practice. Please check with your insurance carrier in advance to make sure that vaccines given to adults will be covered.