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Flu vaccine clinics scheduled

Flu season will be here soon, and it’s now recommended that every eligible person get vaccinated. We’ve scheduled two evening clinics for children and parents to get flu vaccines, on Tuesday September 20 (Windward office) and Wednesday September 21 (Roswell.) Flu vaccines will be given by appointment only. No physician will be available to evaluate any illnesses or other concerns– these appointments are only for quick flu immunizations. Please call either of our offices during regular hours if you’d like to set up an appointment at one of these clinics.

We’ll be administering both traditional shots (for everyone past their six month birthday) and the nasal flu mist vaccine (for people aged 2 to 49 who have no significant heart, lung, or immune problems.) For more information about influenza and vaccinations, visit our recent post, or the CDC’s influenza information page.