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Lipid and cholesterol testing now available at our offices

Cardiovascular disease (including heart attacks and stroke) are the number one killers of Americans, and risk factors for this begin in childhood. One important way to screen for increased risk is to measure the “lipid profile”—including cholesterol and other related blood tests. We can now routinely and quickly do these tests at our office from a drop of blood. 

Based on recent AAP guidelines, we’ll be routinely screening lipids at well checks for all children 10 years and up, as well as some younger children who have other risk factors. Results will be available in minutes. Your child does not have to be fasting to have this test done.

 If your child does have increased risks based on this blood test, we’ll recommend ways to help and appropriate follow-up testing. Making changes before your child becomes an adult is the best way to prevent long-term problems.